healthy normal veins under tonguehealthy normal veins under tongue

Because one is different than the other, with the one being purple and hurting more, it may indicate a bruise or some problem with the area. They are purple in colour and blanch when pressed. The Coating on Your Tongue. Canker sores are another common reason for red bumps under or on the tongue. Bumps which look like 'flaps' under your tongue along the V shape vein is normal. veins that are thick, visible and looking swollen, it could be varicose vein problem. Varicosities are dilated veins often seen on the underside of the tongue, particularly in older people, and may be seen in other areas such as the buccal mucosa or the lips. These veins usually occur in the legs, but they also can form in other . Plica Fimbriata are the fringe-like folds of mucosa on underside of the tongue on either side of the frenulum. Read the full fact sheet. However, with caviar tongue, the blood vessels become dilated and tortuous and appear round and black (resembling caviar). Tongue with wrinkles. 2) Fig. This condition can be found in several locations within the oral cavity; in the buccal mucosa, in the lower lip mucosa, and most often under the lateral borders of the tongue, i.e. Advertisement. I have two veins under my tongue the left one is swollen and turning a very dark purple and is making it hard to eat and talk with out pain. Smooth Tongue. Zev Kaufman, DDS responded: Dear Members: Having blue veins under the tongue is normal. If it seems to follow or be "on top" of a vein, this is probably what you have. The most common cause of a smooth tongue is the use of dentures. Your tongue is one of the first places a vitamin B12 deficiency appears. Nutritional deficiencies include iron, folate and vitamin B12 deficiency. 6 /12. Toxins, which linger in the body due to poor digestion cause the tongue to be enlarged, due to which tooth marks appear on it. They look wrinkly and textured and sometimes can hide bacteria, which, when infected, can burn when eating spicy or acidic foods. The most common reasons for pain under the tongue are an injury from biting your tongue, irritation caused by some foods, or fever blisters. However, large purple veins under tongue i.e. sublingual varices . Blue. Dark, branching veins under the tongue (Figure 1) Having more than two branching and bulging veins indicates liver disease. Sublingual varices are clinically characterised by small dilated veins under the lateral borders of the tongue. Blue tongue may be indicative of poor . Varicose (VAR-i-kos) veins are swollen, twisted veins that you can see just under the surface of the skin. Cancer. List of 456 causes for Tongue symptoms… The most significant risk factors for floor of mouth cancer are tobacco and alcohol use. Water retention tongue (fig. 6. Canker Sores. Purple. Cancer of the floor of mouth accounts for 28-35 percent of all mouth cancers. It looks puffy as there is water in it to make it "puffy". Scarlet fever, eczema, and Kawasaki disease may also cause your tongue to turn red. Other deficiencies that may be noted with . However, the real experts at this are the Oral Pathologists and Oral Surgeons. It is a very accurate view of the inner health of an individual. I have two veins under my tongue the left one is swollen and turning a very dark purple and is making it hard to eat and talk with out pain. Tongue analysis can be used in complement with pulse, nail, and facial diagnosis in order to really see what is going on internally and detect issues that may not have manifested otherwise. If your tongue looks like a map of the world don't worry. Tongue has lot of things to say about our health, great hub in lighter vein tongue also has lot to say if it involves in . an injury or damage to the tissue underneath the tongue. i just woke up with it two days ago. Caviar tongue is a condition recognized by purplish veins located on the ventral side of the tongue. Inspection of tongue helps in identifying systemic illnesses like anemia, cyanosis, nutritional deficiencies, and localized abnormalities like lichen planus, infections and tumors. Tongue - the organ that mirrors your health. This way, the results will not be altered by eating, drinking, brushing or talking. Veins are normally visible underneath (ventrally) the tongue since the mucous membrane is so thin and translucent. veins that are thick, visible and looking swollen, it could be varicose vein problem. Dr. Sander White answered: "May be normal anatom: Large veins are not uncommon under the tongue. Review some common medical conditions that relate to the tongue as well as potential testing and treatments. It's swollen and hurts to the touch. Thin white coating is normal; thick, not so much. Some . Dark Spots and Purple Tongue "" Indicatorof possible blood congestion and problems with the veins. 981 satisfied customers. Thin White Layer and Red Tip "" This condition shows impaired emotional state. I guess the veins under there aren't necessarily identical on both sides. Talk with a health professional as there are simple treatment options or no treatment may be required. Learn about the tongue's anatomy—including interlacing muscles, nerves, and blood supply—and how this contributes to its movements and to functions such as eating, taste, swallowing, speech, and even breathing. sharp pain on left side of tongue Knot on back of tongue Hard, blueish lumps on vein under tounge. A normal, healthy tongue will have a light white coating which can easily be brushed away. 12 years ago. Canker sores look like small white ulcers in the mouth and can be very painful. However, yeast infections, bacterial infections, or white painful ulcers can make the area under your tongue very sore. Hi, Sublingual varices or varicose veins in the tongue are common and . Bon Secours Hospital Cork Leading cancer care experts from UPMC and Bon Secours Health System speak at National Oncology Symposium The veins under the tongue are normally visible to some extent, but if they are significantly enlarged it may indicate a disorder of blood vessels or circulation problem. If you never looked at it closely it may look abnormal. A healthy tongue has a thin transparent or white coating. The vitamin is essential for creating healthy red blood cells, and subpar levels can lead to anemia. In many cases, sores, blisters, and sore bumps below your tongue go . 5. Normally, the under tongue veins will tend to be dark purple or dark blue or black purple if there is less blood flowing to this area. Thanks for your Reply! Although this technique is typically used by Ayurvedic practitioners and other Eastern . This problem can affect anyone including babies and adults. A member asked: . I had an oral surgeon tell me that it was perfectly normal. Learn about the tongue's anatomy—including interlacing muscles, nerves, and blood supply—and how this contributes to its movements and to functions such as eating, taste, swallowing, speech, and even breathing. My tongue hurts but no bumps! Usually the veins should be symmetrical or identical in appearance. B12 deficiency will also make the tongue sore and beefy-red in color. Red tongue. This can be a manifestation of varices or bulging blood vessels in the esophagus due to portal hypertension as a complication of liver disease, especially liver cirrhosis. Sublingual - Medicines, Supplements and Vaccines Delivered Under the Tongue . there are usually 2 noticeable veins that run down the underside of the tongue. 1. 8. Detect Liver Problems Early. The main symptom of scrotal tongue is the grooves that appear on the tongue's surface. HealthTap doctors are based in the U.S., board certified, and available by text or video. Ideally, what a healthy tongue looks like is a light pink color with only a very light white coating present. Focus on warming herbs and foods . Apply the mixture on affected area of your tongue. Some . It means that you are getting old, this is normal, but you must pay attention because problems can arise such as feeling pain or even suffering from bad breath. the papalie on my tongue are slightly hairyier than normal :-( please help. Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in less than one minute for common issues such as: colds and coughs, stomach symptoms, bladder infections, rashes, and more. Swollen feet, headache, chest pain and dull skin are the most common symptoms noticed in these people. Keeping the mouth moist by drinking lot of water, fruit juices can help you. Karla Iverson (author) from Oregon on September 21, 2013 . i just woke up with it two days ago. Sublingual varicose veins, also known as "varicose veins", "varicose veins" or "caviar tongue" refers to the emergence of small hemispherical shallow purple uplift in the tongue, varicose veins occur in the lateral vein , Can be extended to the edge of the tongue. The floor of mouth is a horseshoe-shaped area under the tongue, between the sides of the lower jawbone (the mandible). The cause may be a food allergy, an inflammation in the digestive tract, poor nutrition etc. Purple. If your tongue feels like you scalded it with hot coffee and tastes metallic or bitter, you may have burning mouth syndrome. A purple tongue may also be seen in Kawasaki disease. I have a couple of dental questions to ask. hormonal changes, such as those during menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause. It might mean a problem with the nerves in your tongue. Yesterday, I. Hi, I have a couple of dental questions to ask. ok so i have been looking around the internet all day and i cant find anything. A purple tongue may also be seen in Kawasaki disease. Get one teaspoon of turmeric powder and mix with equal amount of warm milk. Grasp the tip of the tongue with a gauze square and roll the tongue over on one side to observe the lateral border then repeat for the other side (Figure 48). A thick white coating on the tongue indicates a cold condition, where your body doesn't have much heat within. It is, however, believed to occur when some cells in a salivary gland develop a mutation in their DNA. Answer (1 of 8): Purple spots under tongue If you have purple spots under tongue ( they could be deep purple, black or dark purple) there are many possible causes which include terminal end of blood vessels (which is normal), some allergic reactions, blood clot, benign innocuous lesions, injurie. Gray: A gray-colored tongue can indicate long-term digestive or intestinal problems. Don't think theres anything wrong or any cause for concern? Glossitis, by causing swelling of the tongue, may also cause the tongue to appear smooth. Blue tongue may be indicative of poor . These type of varicose veins can range in size with most the size of a BB or smaller (or bigger). According to the Mayo Clinic, it is not known what the exact cause of salivary gland cancer is. Your tongue may look dark yellow, brown, or black. Men are diagnosed with floor of mouth cancer three to four times more often than women. If he had oral HPV, gave you oral sex, then you would only have the virus in your genitals. 1 person found this helpful. Your dentist is your first line of defense and information. It might mean a problem with the nerves in your tongue. Veins under the tongue may become irritated and swollen due to exposure to cold and heat, tobacco chewing also may be the reason. IMPORTANT: Purple veins under tongue is normal and has little and nothing related to cancer symptoms. A bright red tongue could be an indication of vitamin B12 deficiency, heart disorders or blood diseases. The swelling and pain are not. You always hear that assymetry=cancer or an issue but out bodies can vary so much from one side to the other. Normally, the under tongue veins will tend to be dark purple or dark blue or black purple if there is less blood flowing to this area. A sign of weakened digestion that prevents the body from using the nutrients from the foods. Thin White Layer and Red Tip "" This condition shows impaired emotional state. To check out your veins require." U.S. doctors online now Ask doctors free. The edges are smooth and the patch is completely flat and just one colour. It would be a good idea to get it checked out by a dentist. 0/250. Yesterday, I noticed a small, oval blue/grey patch underneath my tongue. Even though some causes are theorized. The veins under my tongue are so big and BLUE. Getting rid of black spots on tongue or in mouth. Unless the black spots are signs of something with more serious health impact . Consult your nearby Doctor as soon as possible. The conditions which need serious notice are oral thrush,non healting ulcers on the tongue especially on the sides,hairy tongue,all of them need further investigation and treatment. Here is a quick guide to knowing what the color of your tongue is saying about your overall health: Red - A red tongue can be caused by many things, such as inflammation, infection, a blood disease, an underlying heart condition, or vitamin B12 deficiency. 2a. Yes in fact these are normal anatomical veins as shown in the image above and may vary in location in person to person,so nothing to worry about. gastrointestinal . The most common place for cancer to occur on the tongue is the lateral border and the base of the tongue (very high risk area). It displays all taste buds and is free from red or glassy patches, deep cuts and denuded patches. However, large purple veins under tongue i.e. Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in less than one minute for common issues such as: colds and coughs, stomach symptoms, bladder infections, rashes, and more. HealthTap doctors are based in the U.S., board certified, and available by text or video. Age is not a factor, from teens to older adults can get varicose veins on the penis or scrotum (and other places). exposure to spicy, acidic, or dairy foods. Review some common medical conditions that relate to the tongue as well as potential testing and treatments. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2011;77:78-79. 0/250. Caviar tongue also known as lingual varicosities or sublingual varices, is considered as a benign physiological change associated with advancing age, usually developing due to senile elastolytic degeneration of sublingual veins 1).Caviar lesion occurs at three sites: under surface of tongue along the sublingual vein, floor of the mouth near ostia of the sublingual glands and . So I've shown my friends after my roommate pointed it out one day and i thought it was normal lmao, none of my friends veins are THIS BLUE AND BIG. He almost giggled and told me he couldn't believe I even noticed it. . Tongue-tie occurs when a string of tissue under the tongue limits tongue movement to the point where it affects functions such as feeding and speaking. Swollen feet, headache, chest pain and dull skin are the most common symptoms noticed in these people. taking . You would need to give him oral sex to get the virus in your mouth. Heart problems and poor overall blood circulation may cause your tongue to turn purple. These bumps tend to appear one at a time and are usually the result of a virus, says the University of Maryland Medical Center, though mouth injuries, food allergies and stress may also be to blame 2.The red bump will likely have a yellow or white center, be very painful and take several weeks to go away. If your tongue is different from the "normal" tongue, but is none of the abnormal tongue here, visit your TCM doctor in your town. Inspect it closely. You may have noticed that it is big, with teeth index around its edge. 1. People can get . Varicose Vein Of Tongue. Repeat the same treatment three times per day until bumps under your tongue heals. 2. With that disease . Also, the papillae may multiply, giving off the "hairy" appearance. This tongue condition may develop from: poor oral hygiene. Black Hairy Tongue. People can get . Caviar tongue. Tongue-tie can improve on its own by the age of two or three years. Look at this tongue. on one of my veins at . Dark Spots and Purple Tongue "" Indicatorof possible blood congestion and problems with the veins. The veins on the underside of the tongue will not be distended. ok so i have been looking around the internet all day and i cant find anything. Heart problems and poor overall blood circulation may cause your tongue to turn purple. If your tongue feels like you scalded it with hot coffee and tastes metallic or bitter, you may have burning mouth syndrome. Blisters are not cancerous whether they form under tongue or on sides. 6. This problem can affect anyone including babies and adults. 6 /12. Doesn't emit a bad odor or taste. Blue. 6. 5. It is neither too dry nor too wet. The tongue is examined using both direct and indirect vision. Black and hairy tongue The canker sore is probably not related to your tongue issue. A wide spectrum of disorders affects the tongue and clinical examination provides a clue to the diagnosis. Normal: The under side of the tongue normally has bulging veins. Allow it to stay in your mouth for 5 minutes and finally rinse your mouth with warm water. Pimple on area under tongue near salivary gland Tongue piercing growth Swollen veins of the underside of the tongue and swollen inside of the lips along with chapped lips. Typically, the gray color comes from a coating caused by bacterial build up associated with digestive issues. Though very rare, the glands under the tongue may swell due to salivary gland cancer. Doctoral Degree. Veins under the tongue - not enlarged, Deposits by the edge of the tongue on the right side. This condition is unhealthy and means that there is a deficiency of vitamins, especially B12 and lack of iron. swollen red lumps on tongue Painful nub . Scrotal tongue: Also referred to as 'fissured tongue,' scrotal tongue is present in about 20% of the world population. This is possibly the most alarming sign you may see on your tongue in terms of what this looks like, but a black and hairy tongue is actually quite common and for the most part of no special concern.

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healthy normal veins under tongue